MikeCon Photography

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I need to introduce you all to Katy Lute!!! Tomorrow’s her birthday, and it’s rare that I get a chance to have a blog ready to go on someone’s birthday however this one is definitely special to me, so it had to happen! Katy Lute is definitely someone who needs to have her, “fitness journey” story told. I met Katy via social media, and we started talking about doing a photo shoot together, and I saw that she too is a fellow photographer, and actually lived a few streets away from me in Castle Rock, CO. After a few weeks of not hearing back from Katy, I looked on her Facebook and lo and behold, tragedy struck in her family. Immediately, I reached out to Katy to check up on her and to see how her family was doing. We ended up working out a deal and did an amazing photo shoot together along with one of my all-time favorite Makeup Artists, and friend Savannah Appel (IG - @SavageBeautyCO).

It took my breath away when Katy wrote me these kind words in an email:

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I feel like I cannot express in words the gratitude I have to you. It makes me so emotional just thinking of what you have done for me. I was a stranger and you can so much compassion for me and my daughter. I am truly floored by what you have done for us. It reminded me of the good Samaritan story, how you did such amazing and kind things to help a me, a stranger, in a time of need. Thank you again for your heart of compassion and generosity. I will treasure these photos for the rest of my life. Your act of kindness is something in my life that will never be forgotten.

Thank you again!

Katy Lute”

Here’s Katy’s story…so please…pay attention!:

Were you athletic in your youth?

I was not active in my youth. I always felt conscious of my body and felt “chubby” growing up. The first time I ever even remember attempting some kind of physical exercise, it was running a distance longer than 1 mile running was at age 17! So, you could say that I found exercise at age 17. It started with simple morning jogs to try to “stay skinny” as my 17 year old brain thought. Over the years, I became more and more interested in fitness, and ended up majoring in Health and Fitness in college. For many years, I was a runner. I ran 13 half marathon races over the course of many years. This was the fitness lifestyle I lived until 2016, when I threw in the towel on the cardio lifestyle and switched to a strength training lifestyle complete with protein, heavy weights and muscle.

Describe your life before you started training.

As a young person and as a child, I was out of shape and didn’t like how exercise felt in my body. It felt uncomfortable, so I just avoided exercise altogether. I later became a runner for the beginning of my adult life. After becoming a mom of two kids, I felt like running was not helping me achieve my ideal physique goals anymore. One day, I decided to completely overhaul my fitness approach and took my emphasis away from cardio and tried weight lifting. Weight training has helped my body transform from overweight to lean and mean with muscle definition. Weight training has completely changed my life. I will never turn back. I have been weight training for 3.5 years.

Was there a pivotal moment that motivated you to start training? If so, what was it?

When I was about 8 months postpartum with my second baby, my body felt and looked awful. I was so uncomfortable. I hated the way I felt. It’s hard to admit this: but because my body felt so uncomfortable, I felt like my self esteem was low and that it negatively affected my ability to be a good mom and a good wife. How I felt in my body sadly affected everything in my life. At that time in 2016, I had just trained for, and ran, 2 half marathon races back to back, but yet I still hadn’t achieved my goal weight, size or shape. This was a pivotal point for me to stop what I was doing and completely overhaul and try a new approach to fitness. Enter weight training. BAM, life change!

What were some of your athletic accomplishments?

-I ran 13 half marathons before finding weight training.

-I can deadlift 225 pounds.

-I can squat 185 lbs.

-I can bench 95 lbs.

(I expect all of those PRs (personal records) to increase in weight with time.)

When did you start working out and what inspired you to do so?

My current fitness journey began at age 30. I was 8 months postpartum with my second child and my body felt awful. I hated living in that body. It felt terrible and it affected how I felt in life. I decided to try lifting weights. The approach I started with was found in the Body For Life book I found stashed in an old box from college. That first 12 weeks of following Bill Phillips’ plan completely changed my body. I have never looked back from weight training and tracking my diet. While I no longer following the exact Body For Life plan, I still attribute so much of my successes to that book.

Who is your role model? Why?

My husband is my role model. It may sound cheesy to choose him, but he inspires me to be and live better every day. He is such a loving person, a stand-up dad, and a hard worker.

Are you more of a cardio woman or a weights gal? Why?

I am a whole hearted weights gal! The cardio bunny days are over. I am all about lifting heavy weights and sculpting a beautiful physique with muscle.

What is your favorite cheat food? How often do you indulge?

My favorite cheat food is ice cream and pizza. I eat ice cream regularly as part of my balanced lifestyle. As long as the calories fit, I can eat it. Pizza is something I eat less frequently, probably two times a month.

What is your favorite non-cheat food?

Fruits! I love the taste of all fruits. Strawberries, blueberries & cherries top the charts.

What is your favorite training move? Why?

Sumo deadlifts are my favorite exercise. I enjoy the movement as well as I feel that deadlifts are the #1 exercise that has transformed my entire physique. 

What is your workout plan like?

I train 6 days per week. Three leg days: 1 heavy squats day, 1 heavy deadlifts day, 1 high volume day. I train upper body three days a week: 1 shoulder focused day, 1 back focused day, and 1 general upper body day. My cardio looks like: 10 min easy warmup before lifting legs. On upper days, I do 15-20 minutes HIIT cardio, which is usually sprint intervals on the treadmill.

What time of day do you workout and why?

I generally workout mid morning, as it works best for my schedule as a mom, as well as that time of day I have the most energy to put towards my training. Early morning workouts are too hard for me as I am not yet awake enough. Evening workouts are also hard because I’m so full of food at that point. Mid morning is best for me!

What celebrity are you told you most look like (if applicable)?

I have always been told I resemble actress Kate Bosworth (from the movie Blue Crush).

What do you love most about living in the U.S.?

I love living in the U.S. because I have so many freedoms to live as I please. I love Colorado because it’s a beautiful and sunshine-filled state.

Where in the world would you like to travel to the most?

I would love to travel anywhere that has a beach and a cabana for me to lie under.

Where do you work out (home, gym, studio, community center, etc.)?

I train in the gym. I need a lot of access to free weights, specifically barbells & weight plates.

Do you prefer training alone or with a buddy and why?

I prefer training solo. My workout it my alone time to zone out and work hard. Training with a buddy throws me off. I do find that working out in the presence of others who are also training hard is very stimulating to me. It pushes me to see others hitting it hard.

What's your favorite type of cardio?

I don’t really “like” cardio, but if I had to choose, I enjoy interval sprints. 

What's your best fitness tip (this could be related to training, nutrition, personal attitude, fitness gear, etc.)?

My best fitness tip is to find your “WHY” first. Without a true reason or a “why”, you will likely always give up. The “why” keeps you going.

What gets you pumped up the most right before a workout?

Preworkout! I like PEScience High Volume, as it’s a caffeine free preworkout that gives good pumps.

How do you balance career/school/family and fitness?

As a mom of two kids, it is a battle to juggle a schedule that actually includes time for myself. As a mom, you definitely have to put your own name on the list of priorities. I make the gym and my nutrition a priority, so the gym happens early in the day before life gets too chaotic later in the day. Thank goodness for kids club at the gym!

Do you have a favorite quote that inspires you and why? 

Joshua 1:9: “Be strong and courageous.”

Have you ever competed and if so, how long have you been competing? 

Competing just isn’t for me! I admire those who do compete. For me, I enjoy the lifestyle approach.

What would you like to see change in the health and fitness industry?

I think it’s already shifting this way: but I’d love to continue seeing women empowered to train hard and with heavy weights. No more fear of “getting bulky” and just going for that strong and muscular lifestyle! Muscles and booty’s are in!

What do you wish you had known when you were 16?

Stop caring what other people think, and just do what makes you happy!

How do you relax when you’re not working out?


Do you have any hobbies?

Before I became a mom, I used to ski obsessively! Now, it’s a time or two each season.

What do you always take with you to the gym (list 1–3 items)?

  1. Headphones & music

  2. Hip thrust sponge pad

  3. Weight belt 

What is your favorite book and why?

The Bible. It’s God’s word and has changed and transformed my life from the inside out.

What is the last movie you saw?

Frozen II at the theater with my two daughters.

What is your best beauty secret?

Stay out of the sun! Sunless tanner is your friend.

What music do you listen to when you work out? Why?

It varies from worship music (Red Rocks Worship, Elevation Worship, etc) to the Top 40 pop to 80’s rock ballads.

What piece of advice would you give to a newbie in the gym?

Stop prioritizing cardio and get in the weight room. Lifting weights + proper diet will CHANGE your body!

What is your favorite physical feature and why?

I like my smile.

What is your least favorite physical feature and why?

I don’t believe it is good to pick apart our flaws! Flaws are what make us unique in our beauty.

Who has supported you the most throughout your fitness journey?

My husband, Eric. When I decided to first make this huge lifestyle change, I humbly asked him to join me for the first 12 weeks. Once we had both reached that 12 week mark, we realized there was no looking back for us. He has continually been my cheerleader, supporter, as well as motivator throughout the years. He himself has transformed his own body and has gained so much strength and muscle. I admire his own fire and dedication!

What are your big plans for the future?

Continue being a mom and wife. Continue training hard. Keep growing the glutes!

On that last set that is so tough that you just want to quit, what is the image or voice that drives you to push yourself one step further?

The image that drives me to push further is the visual of how my body looked and felt right before I started lifting weights. I was so uncomfortable with how I looked and felt. That image of that girl drives me to push harder. I never want to feel like that again.

Is there anything else you want to let us know about? Tell us!

I am just a regular girl, with normal husband and normal kids, just an everyday mom who could have just easily accepted my unfit and overweight body. But I didn’t. I did it! I made changes and I changed my situation. I changed my body and made myself proud. It was HARD to initially make those big changes, but I DID IT! I do not have the best genetics, or the most motivation in the world. I took things one day at a time and I gave it my best effort. If I can do it, anyone can do it. I hope to inspire the other “every day normal moms” to stop cutting yourself short in life. You CAN do it, and I am your proof!

Please list your social media and how people can find and follow you:
Instagram: @KatyLuteFit

Thank you Katy for sharing your inspiring and motivating words. Have a very happy birthday and stay blessed my friend! I’ll definitely be making my own fitness journey soon enough, so thank you!!!

Semper Fidelis!

Mike Conley of MikeCon Photography
Instagram: @mikeconphoto #mikeconphoto